homelogo thumbnail graphic

Home Page

Vanishing (Portraits)

Provence cemeteries

These images were exhibited at the Townsend Center for the Humanities at the University of California, Berkeley, in fall, 2008, with text by Suzanne Guerlac.

sharnoff statement thumbnail graphic

Sharnoff statement

052 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 052

seeing time graphic

Guerlac text 1

belorgy thumbnail graphic

Georges Belorgy

portrait 214 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 214

portrait 069 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 069

portrait 106 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 106

documentation thumbnail graphic

Guerlac text 2

144 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 144

portrait 018 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 018

portrait 139 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 139

portrait 336 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 336

portrait 251 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 251

portrait 080 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 080

portrait 230 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 230

portrait 062 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 062

untitiled thumbnail graphic

Guerlac text 3

portrait 114 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 114

portrait 252 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 252

portrait 297 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 297

portrait 081 thumbnail graphic

Portrait 081

homelogo thumbnail graphic

Home Page

Provence cemeteries