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Sponsored and funded by the Canadian Museum of Nature
Drawings by Susan Laurie-Bourque
Logistic support from the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution)
Sylvia Duran Sharnoff and
Stephen Sharnoff
Sponsored by the
Missouri Botanical Garden
(special thanks to Peter H. Raven,
Director; Marshall R. Crosby, Senior Advisor to the Director and Senior
Botanist; and Barbara Mack, Administrative Assistant)
Grant support
Yale University Press
Jean Thomson Black, Senior Editor for Science and Medicine
Grant support
Our heartfelt thanks go to people who have made this project possible by helping with every aspect of it -- guiding us in the field, identifying problematic specimens, offering access to field sites, facilitating collecting permits, hosting us during our fieldwork, sharing information of many kinds, rallying support, reviewing manuscripts and lists, mapping, lending and donating specimens, and many, many other acts of personal and intellectual generosity.
The acknowledgement list continues to grow (although this Web page may sometimes lag behind); we sincerely regret any unintentional omissions.
Vernon Ahmadjian
Teuvo Ahti
Vagn Alstrup
Karl H. Anderson
Daniele Armaleo
Buzz Baker
Doris Baltzo
Rudi Becker
Jayne Belnap
James Bennett
Paula Benshoff
Ken Berger
Meredith Blackwell
Lois Brako
Cheris Bratt
Othmar Breuss
Fenja Brodo
Sharon Brodo-Smith and Mark Smith
Unga Bruteig
William Buck
Ann Buckley
Kendra Buresch
Don Buso
Karen Casselman
Joe Castalano
Sarah Chaney
Russell Chapman
Brian Clark
Steven Clayden
Daniel Clement
Phillipe Clerc
Barbara Conklin
Judith Hazen Connery
John Cooke
Max Copenhagen
Peter Cory
Kris Crossen
Chicita and William Culberson
Susan D'Alcamo
Tom Darden
Jerry Davis
John Davis
Glenna Dean
Paula DePriest
Ann DeBolt
Frederica deLaguna
William Denison
Chiska Derr
Martyn Dibben
Janet and Richard Doell
Lise Dube
Sylvia Edlund
Mary Edwards
Robert Egan
David and Joan Ehrenfeld
Katherine Enns
Theodore Esslinger
Richard P. Ettinger, Jr.
Phyllis Faber
Richard Felger
Jonathan Ferrabee
Beatrice Fontana and Gene Thaxton
Beppino Fontana
Jeffrey Froke
David Galloway
Linda Geiser
Andrea Gargas
Bernard Goffinet
Leslie Johnson Gottesfeld
Trevor Goward
Dana Griffin
Dennis Haddow
Beth Hagan
Neil Hagedorn
Beatrice Hale
Samuel Hammer
Richard Harris
Lee Heinmiller
Julie Henderson
Ted Hendrickson
Jaymes Henio
Aino Henssen
Hannes Hertel
Robert J. Hill
James Hinds
Ann Hitchcock
Peggy Holton
Phil Hyatt
Alison Isenberg
Anna and Steven Jacobson
H. Martin Jahns
Lawrence Janeway
Marshall Johnston
Per Magnus Joergensen
Sandra and Andrew Kaldor
Yashuhiro Kinoshita
Craig Kirpatrick
Elizabeth Kneiper
Kurt Kotter
Ella and Neal Krucoff
John Krug
Doug Ladd
John Ladd
Donna Lamb
Keith Langdon
Elisabeth Lay
Scott LaGreca
Yin-May Lee
Robin Lesher
Louise Lindblom
Xavier Llimona
Thomas E. Lovejoy
Lynn Lozier
Francois Lutzoni
Bruce Mace
Kathy Maher
Janet Marsh
Jon Martin
Steve McCormick
Bruce McCune and Patricia Muir
Brent Mishler
Donna Mitchell
Roland Moberg
Daniel Moerman
Nancy Morin
Mary Muller
Robert Munter
Barbara and David Murray
Thomas H. Nash III and Corinna Gries
Nancy Naslund
Peter Neitlich
Robert Nelson
Daniel B. Nuttall
Rita and Charles O'Clair
Sandra Peacock
Bill Pell
Eric Peterson
Larry Pike
Sherry Pittam
Catherine J. Porter
Mary Power
John Powers
Bea and George Prehara
Joe Pretti
O. William Purvis
Richard Reagan
Fred Rhoades
David H.S. Richardson
Jim Riley
David Riskind
Roger Rosentreter
Jamie Ross
Claude Roux
Bruce Ryan
Michael Sanders
Christoph Scheidegger
Steve Selva
David Sharnoff
Meera Sharnoff
David Shaw
John Sheard
Martha Sherwood
Sam and Phyllis Shushan
Steve Sillett
Bob Simons
Harrie Sipman
Janna Six
Nancy Slack
Barbara H. Smith
Clifford Smith
Ulrich Soechting
Raul "Sonny" Solis
Toby Spribille
Larry and Rita St. Clair
Soili Stenroos
Tom Stohlgren
Mark Stromberg
Rita Suminski
Lowell Suring
Miriam Sussman
Isabelle Tavares
Anders Tehler
John W. Thomson
Sheila Thomson
Leif Tibell
Nancy Tileston
Einer Timdahl
Tor Toensberg
Christopher Topik
Dale Turner
Nancy J. Turner
Shirley Tucker
Heino Uaenskae
Linda Vorobik
William A. Weber
Dan Wedemeyer
Suzanne and Peter Wehausen
Thomas Wendt
Alix Wennekens
Clifford Wetmore
Paul Whitefield
Adam Willet
David Williams
Ronald Wilson
Volkmar Wirth
Pat Wolsley
Darrell Wright
Sylvia Wright
Becky Yahr
Barbara Zimmer
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