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Dragonflies, Owl Flies
and other "Flies"

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Image 1. A dragonfly, or possibly a damselfly, photographed in New Mexico.

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Image 2. A dragonfly, or possibly a damselfly, photographed in New Mexico.

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Image 3. A dragonfly in flight. Photographed in Alaska.

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Image 4. Male and female damselflies on a lily pond leaf in Provence.

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Image 5. An owl fly.

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Image 6. A syrphid fly on Monspeliensis sp., in Provence.

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Image 7. A syrphid fly in Provence.

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Image 8. Possibly a may fly.

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Image 9. Eggs of a midge that crawled back and forth to lay them on
a rock in a stream near Mt. Ranier, WA.

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