Image 1
A mossy bigleaf maple in fall, along the Alsea River, Oregon. |

Image 2
A mossy bigleaf maple in fall, along the Alsea River, Oregon. |

Image 3
A bigleaf maple, Berkeley, California. |

Image 4
A bigleaf maple in fall, northwestern California. |

Image 5
Bigleaf maples in fall, northwestern California. |

Image 6
Flowers of a bigleaf maple in spring, Berkeley, California. |

Image 7
Seedpods of a bigleaf maple in spring, Berkeley, California. |

Image 8
Seedpods of a bigleaf maple in spring, Berkeley, California. |

Image 9
Seedpods of a bigleaf maple in spring, Berkeley, California. |

Image 10
Seedpods of a bigleaf maple in spring, Berkeley, California. |