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Trek to Mustang

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Mustang is a semi-autonomous region of Nepal on the north side of the Himalayas. Physically and culturally it resembles Tibet before the Chinese took control. The trip began in Kathmandu, followed by a short airplane hop to Jomsum and then on foot for the next ten days, up the Kali Gandaki to Lo Monthang and back over high passes to Jomsum.


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Two sections of photos of Paris scenes, including a group of images from inside the Paris Metro:

Paris Group 1

Paris Group 2


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Two sections of photos of Southern France, taken mostly in Haute-Provence in the region around Forcalquier:

Provence Group 1

Provence Group 2

Provence Group 3

Provence Group 4



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Photos from a trek through the Ocean of Sand in Tunesia



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Photos from a short trip to Venice


Places: Miscellaneous

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From a variety of places.

Places: Miscellaneous