Flowers of Provence Group 1 |
The images are arranged alphabetically in 6 groups. The last group contains "Mystery Flowers" that I have not been able to identify at all. I got the names from guidebooks and online resources, and some of them are undoubtedly incorrect, especially at the species level. If you recognize one or more of the species, I'd appreciate any help in correcting the information. Beaucoup thanks to Marc Chouillou and Gill Pathey-Johns who cleared up many of the mysteries. Most of the photos were taken in the Alpes de Haute-Provence, in the region around Forcalquier. A few were taken in the southern French Alps. Most plants were found growing in the wild, but a few are from gardens. See also the Horticultural Plants and Flower Closeups sections and the Stipa pinnata (feathergrass) page in Wild Plants. Photos of Daucus carota, Viburnum tinus and more images of Echinops ritro can be found in the Wild Plants section. |
Group 1: Aethionema to Cephalanthera |
Group 2: Cerastium to Geum |
Group 3: Gladiolus to Olea |
Group 4: Onobronchis to Santolina |
Group 5: Saponaria to Viola |
Group 6: Mystery Flowers |
Go to: Provence Flowers Group 2 |